Nobody dies at a deadline

One way managers and the like—mostly those who don’t do the work—are trying to keep control on a project is by posing deadlines.

It’s a way to put pressure on those doing the work.

It’s arbitrary. Some vague date in the future. 1st of the month. End of the week.

Someone decided that would be a good deadline.

To what end?

One important thing to know: nobody dies at a deadline. It’s made up. It’s invented.

We can invent a new deadline.


What if we don’t pose a deadline and put more emphasis on frequent alignment? What have we done, what are we working on, and what is blocking us?

We need to work as a team.

We who are doing the work.

Let’s get rid of deadlines.

And maybe managers while we’re at it.


Dear diary…


Failure by design