Swapvelo: Rotterdam-Monaco

I wanted to travel. But not too far. Only for a couple of weeks. But I also wanted a challenge. The question that came up: where could I go to when cycling 100km per day? Several cities popped up: Athens, Istanbul, Rome, Helsinki. In the end I decided to cycle to the Mediterranean. Monaco to be precise.

To make things more interesting and challenging I signed up for a Swapfiets subscription. Not one of the electric bicycles they have but one that we in The Netherlands call an oma fiets, a very basic bike without gears and hand breaks. It’s a bike you see everywhere. A bike that enables us to go from home to work and back, or to simply go for a ride.

My ride is from Rotterdam to Monaco.

June 16 - July 3, 2023


Support & Charity

  • Charity

    Please use this link to support the people who need it more than I do: the homeless and undocumented in need of urgent care.

    The road ahead: €10 or more

    Pick a date and everything that day will be dedicated to you!

    The steep climb: €25 or more

    The above + You will receive a postcard from a random stop along the way.

    The racer: €100 or more

    The above + A 15-minute private video chat while I’m riding my bicycle or taking a break.

    Send me your Instagram handle, you home address, and/or your phone number to make sure I can reach you.


  • Personal support

    Please use this QR to support me personally: coffee, breakfast, dinner, accommodation, ice cream and some TLC for the bike.

    The road ahead: €10 or more

    Pick a date and everything that day will be dedicated to you!

    The steep climb: €25 or more

    The above + You will receive a postcard from a random stop along the way.

    The racer: €100 or more

    The above + A 15-minute private video chat while I’m riding my bicycle or taking a break.

    Send me your Instagram handle, you home address, and/or your phone number to make sure I can reach you.