#1: impact

What is the impact you’re making?

That should be the question. Every day, every hour.

Whether we’re at work or at home, or even with friends. What is the impact you’re making? Are you making impact by helping your (company’s) customers? Or are you teaching your children critical thinking? Or providing your friend a safe space to discuss difficult topics?

We do not work for money. Well, maybe some of us do but money doesn’t necessarily equal happiness or fulfillment. Impact does. How are you helping the people around you grow? What is the impact you’re making? And what does that mean for others?

Asking yourself this question changes the way you look at your work. It changes the way you show up and it changes the way you approach a challenging project. It changes the way you talk with customers because it’s not just about sales; it’s about the impact you’re making and the impact your customer is making.

Ask yourself this: what am I doing at this very moment and how does this impact another person?

Would you be able to increase the impact sought?


There’s more than one


Task or advancement?