Task or advancement?

When you look at your job or at any job opening, what we mostly see is a selection of skills and knowledge needed to perform tasks. And that’s what we’re paid for.

What if we reframe our job in a way of advancement?

It’s not our job to do tasks but to advance the company, its customers, and perhaps some higher goal.

Part of that advancement might be hiring employees or attracting freelancers, who’s job then also consists of advancing the company and its customers.

If I remember correctly, Netflix sort of works this way. Should read the book.

What would happen if we were to talk about jobs in this way? Not assigning specific job titles but perhaps assigning a goal, vision and mission. Holacracy works in such a way. Employees form a circle that has a specific goal and can make its own decisions within that circle.

When we’re assigned a goal rather than a bunch of tasks we tend to work together more cause it’s not possible to stick to your set of tasks. You are responsible for the team’s goal.

Keeping that in mind, how do we rewrite job advertisements? How do we stear away from specific skills and tasks and focus on what a person brings to the team, the company, and the customer?


#1: impact


What exactly is work?