Not urgent, to me.
Whenever I take a walk—to the supermarket, to get coffee, to the office, basically every day—I listen to podcasts. Most recently listening The Long and the Short Of It back to back. One of the older episodes is about urgent vs important and the quadrant in which they’re plotted, leaving us with four sections:
Urgent and important
Urgent but not important
Not urgent but important
Not urgent and not important
This was not new to me.
I knew this.
But I hardly did anything with it.
Until someone I work with thought Project X was incredibly important and incredibly urgent!
Daily phone calls. Daily messages. Daily status updates.
It caused stress.
Going back to the quadrant, work (and life for that matter) is not about doing the things that are urgent. It’s about doing the things that are important. To you.
Don’t let anybody dictate your agenda.
You decide what is important.
Focus on what is important to you. Stay clear of what’s urgent to others.