Fork and knife
We can either do what other people want us to do, or we can decide to take matters into our own hands.
From a young age we are learned to behave; to not stand out. We need to follow the rules. Think about how your parents taught you to eat with fork and knife and stay seated during dinner. And how teachers didn’t want you to think for yourselve and ask difficult questions. What about that manager you currently work for and the reports you need to write simply because he says so.
We are capable of so much more. We need to stop listening to what others have to say and start thinking for ourselves. Your ideas are worth sharing and your time is worth spending with passion and care. Time is money, they say, but that doesn’t mean selling it to the highest bidder—and let’s be frank, they never pay enough.
What do I expect of ME? How do I want to show up, day in day out?
What do you expect of YOU? How do you want to show up? I dare you to decide for yourself how to spend your time.