What exactly is work?

The day started sunny. Cold, but sunny. And I don’t mean like a nice winter sun on a Saturday morning that heats up your skin when you found a spot that the wind hasn’t found yet, nor that very very early summer morning sun while everyone else is still sleeping but you’re out and about enjoying the silence of the city. No, today felt like “Enjoy it while it last but do it quickly and don’t enjoy it so much sorry it’s gone now”-sunny.

The weather forecast couldn’t have been more clear: 100% chance of rain for the rest of the day.

“Yay!” is what I thought “The perfect weather to go for a long walk!”

I had longed for a walk. Even in this kind of weather.

There’s something about walking in the rain. You got the world to yourself. No need to interact with people along the way. Perfect to focus on your own thoughts. Thoughts about the past week, or the stuff you’ve planned for the next.

As I was reflecting on talking to a friend yesterday evening about coaching, leadership, and communication, one thought in particular came to mind:

“What exactly is ‘work’?”

We use the term ‘work’ all the time. We must to put in the work. We need to work smart. And we aim for a good work-life balance.

But have you ever stopped for a moment to think about what ‘work’ means? What it means to you? And what it might mean to others, like you boss or manager?

I am wondering, do we always see work as something that others want us to do and (hopefully) pay us for? Or is there more to it? If I haven’t let you drift off into that beautiful winter/summer sun and you’re read this far, please let me know what ‘work’ means to you.


Task or advancement?


Fork and knife